Diagnostic test
Blood test Haematology and Biochemistry
We analyze cat bloodwork to assess features of the blood, including red and white cell count, immunity status, hemoglobin. We also examine hydration status, anemia, infection, blood clotting ability and immune system response.
We analyze cat bloodwork to evaluate organ function ( Kidneys, liver, heart, thyroid, etc), electrolyte status, hormone levels and more. These tests are important to evaluating the health of older pets, pets with signs of vomiting, diarrhea or toxin exposure, as well as cats receiving long-term medications and general health before anesthesia.
We also analyze virus like FIV/ FelV between others.
Very important is actually made up of many different tests. A typical urinalysis tests shows some of the following:
Visual Evaluation
If your cat’s urine is discolored . Normal urine should be yellow and clear.
Urine Specific Gravity (USG)
This is a measure of the concentration of the urine. Healthy cats should be able to produce concentrated urine, USG of 1.050 or higher. If the urine is too dilute, your cat may be suffering from a disease condition such as diabetes, kidney disease, and others.
Urine pH
pH is a measurement of acidity. The pH of urine will impact which types of stones and/or crystals can form in your cat’s urine and some types of bacteria also prefer specific pH ranges.
Indication of diabetes although stress can cause glucose to show up in the urine in some cases also.
Protein in the urine can be caused by kidney disease as well as other illnesses.
Urine Sediment
The sediment is examined for red blood cells, white blood cells, bacteria, casts, crystals, mucous, or other cells. Essentially, this portion of the urinalysis looks at the cellular and solid component of the urine, searching for abnormal numbers of cells or other materials which should not normally be present in the urine. It can provide additional clues as to the state of your pet´s health.
Cytology and other microscopic examinations
Cytology is the microscopic examination of cell samples. These samples can be collected from any area of the body. Cytology is often used to diagnose growths or masses (tumors) found on the surface of the body, but can also be used to assess bodily fluids, internal organs (e.g., liver, lung, lymph nodes, kidney), and abnormal fluids that may accumulate, especially in the chest and abdomen.
Faecal examination
Stool samples are used to test your pet for intestinal parasites which may be harmful to your pet and in some cases may be contagious to humans. By bringing an adequate, fresh sample you will allow us to run a fecal test by flotation to detect parasites and assure you of your pet’s health.
Rabies serological test for traveling ,Routine screens and profiles, Microbiology, Endocriminology and therapeutic monitoring, etc.